Coming Soon: Sparks Premium! 😱

Your secret weapon for unlocking employer brand potential

Hey there, University recruiting pro! We all know how important a strong employer brand is. But are you tired of playing guessing games when it comes to measuring your employer brand strength? With Sparks Premium, we at CareerFairy are taking a first step towards ditching the outdated methods and embrace the power of data-driven insights.

So, what’s the problem with traditional methods?

We've all been there: staring at our social media analytics, trying to decipher whether those likes and shares actually translate into real talent attraction. And let's not forget those random surveys – often filled with biased responses from a small subset of students. It's like looking at a tiny piece of a much larger puzzle. They give you a glimpse of the picture, but they don't tell the whole story. The truth is, HR teams are often left feeling like they're chasing their tails, trying to make sense of it all.

That's where Sparks Premium comes in. Think of it as your secret weapon for unlocking the true potential of your employer brand. While Sparks has always been a powerful tool for engaging students and showcasing your company culture, we believe Sparks Premium takes it to a whole new level.

Unleash the power of data with Sparks Premium

With Sparks Premium, you'll gain access to in-depth analytics that reveal the real impact of your campus recruiting efforts. No more guessing games. No more relying on unreliable metrics. Sparks Premium gives you the data you need to make informed decisions and optimise your strategy

Understand the performance of your Spark campaign: Measure the reach, engagement, and impact of your Sparks among your target audience

Audience analytics to optimise content strategy: Identify what resonates most with your target audience, and let it guide yourcontent strategy

Benchmark against competitors: See how your brand stacks up against industry leaders

So, ready to take your University recruiting to the next level?

Sparks Premium is more than just analytics; it's a game-changer. By leveraging data-driven insights, you can:

  • Attract top talent: Showcase your company's unique value proposition.
  • Build a strong employer brand: Create a positive and engaging image.
  • Optimise your campus recruiting strategy: Make data-driven decisions to maximise your ROI.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionise your campus recruiting. Talk to your CareerFairy account manager to get a sneak peek!