Why CareerFairy is Actually Pretty Cool (From a New Gen Z Intern)

Okay, so full transparency - the CareerFairy team might have talked me into writing this blog post. I’m an intern here, just started my first week, and they wanted me to share why CareerFairy is such a game-changer for Gen Z job hunters. I’ll try my best to keep it real though and give you the perspective of someone who's still figuring this whole job thing out. Spoiler: I do like the platform (I mean, I used it to get this gig), but I’m gonna stay honest about what works and what could be better. Let’s dive in.

Job hunting can be such a drag. You click through a million job boards, send out 50 applications, and half the time you don’t even hear back. At least, that’s how it was for me before I found CareerFairy. Now, it’s like someone flipped the script. Instead of feeling like another resume in a pile, I actually got to see what companies are like before I applied. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect (I mean, there are a couple things I’d tweak), but it’s hands down better than what’s out there. Let me walk you through why CareerFairy made job hunting way more chill and way less soul-sucking.

1. Non-Binding Sign-Ups? Yes, Please

Picture this: You’re sitting in your WG at 11 p.m., halfway through a tub of Ben & Jerry’s, scrolling through CareerFairy. You come across a livestream for a cool company you’ve never heard of. They’re hiring interns in business, and you think, “Why not?” You click ‘Register’ knowing you don’t have to commit to anything if you change your mind later. It’s the best kind of freedom.

Here’s the thing - non-binding registrations are a dream. Unlike career fairs, where you feel like you’re trapped once you enter (anyone else get lost in a maze of booths?), CareerFairy lets you explore at your own pace. You sign up for what interests you, but if something else comes up (like that spontaneous pizza night with your mates), you can always skip without the guilt. No awkward emails explaining why you didn’t show up. It’s nice having that freedom, though sometimes the event reminders can get a bit much – like, yes, I know I signed up, you don’t have to remind me every other day.

2. Goodbye, Boring Job Fairs. Hello, Livestreams!

Have you ever been to a career fair? It’s like speed dating, but instead of finding “the one,” you’re stuck trying to impress a dozen recruiters in a row, hoping someone swipes right on your CV. Not fun.

With CareerFairy, it’s all online. I signed up for a livestream with a finance company (not my first choice, but hey, gotta keep options open). It was awesome because instead of standing around awkwardly, I got to watch from my bed - in sweatpants, no less. The livestream wasn’t just some boring PowerPoint either. An analyst shared insider stories, gave a virtual office tour, and even dropped a few jokes that made me think, “Okay, these guys are cool.”

It’s not all perfect though. Sometimes the livestreams can feel a bit like advertising pitches, and I’ve seen a couple where the hosts were clearly reading from a script. Still, when the hosts are real and engaging, it’s so much better than walking around a crowded fair and hoping someone talks to you.

3. Forget Formality - We Like Real Talk

What I love most is that you get to talk directly to real employees - not some faceless recruiter reading from a script. In one livestream, I shot off a quick question about what their internship program actually involved day-to-day. They didn’t give me the typical “you’ll gain valuable experience” line - they straight-up told me about the crazy project deadlines I’d have to meet and how one intern once crashed their entire system during testing (don’t worry, they got it back up in an hour). It was honest, raw, and a little funny.

We all know the “send in your CV and wait for an email that may or may not come” game. It’s like Tinder, but worse because you don’t even get a “Sorry, not interested.” With CareerFairy, I got a real feel for the culture before I even applied. Sometimes, though, the streams can get too packed with questions and you don’t always get a chance to ask your own. So yeah, it’s not perfect, but it’s still miles better than being ghosted after sending in your CV.

4. The Application Process Doesn’t Feel Like a Job Interview from Hell

Okay, so after checking out a few livestreams, I decided to shoot my shot and apply for an internship at CareerFairy itself. Let me tell you - the interview was nothing like those horror stories you hear. You know, the ones where you’re stuck in a room with a panel of stone-faced interviewers who are just waiting to trip you up? Yeah, none of that.

Instead, my interview was super laid-back. It felt more like a conversation than an interrogation. We talked about my love for problem-solving, brainstormed a bit about their platform, and I even threw in a suggestion or two. I knew exactly what they were about before I even stepped in, so there was no guesswork. Working for a startup is cool too, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But hey, it looks like I'll get to ask questions and pitch ideas, which is more than I can say for a lot of other companies.


Look, I’ll be real - CareerFairy made job hunting a lot less painful. It’s not flawless, but it’s so much better than what’s out there. If you’re tired of the same old job boards and want something where you can actually connect with companies and see what they’re all about before hitting “apply,” CareerFairy is worth checking out. We’re all about authentic connections, and that’s what CareerFairy does best, even if it doesn’t always hit the mark every time.