With changing media consumption and changing preferences of a young generation making hiring tougher, Rike & her team at Schwartauer Werke turned to CareerFairy to reach young University students in Germany
% percentage hires from CareerFairy
Live Stream Registrations
Live Stream Participants
Whether for breakfast, as a lunch break or a snack in between meals - Schwartauer Werke & it’s loved products have been around since 1899. Constantly thinking ahead and consistently developing their brands and products, Schwartauer Werke responds optimally to consumer needs and always does their best to guarantee high quality and unique taste.
For the intern roles, Schwartauer Werke team has seen the number of applicants going down over time. While they didn’t have to do much to get applicants earlier, this has progressively gotten harder with Gen Z.
With students not ready to travel as much as earlier, and with the brand not being as present in the young generation’s mind, the regular job boards & posting ads hasn’t worked as well as a strategy for them recently.
The channels where students consume information has also evolved and they realise that companies needs to keep up too.
CareerFairy pleasantly surprised us on the Live Stream day as CareerFairy delivered 60% more participants than we had originally planned for, with 50% of interns hired last quarter coming from this fun event. Not to forget that I loved working with the team - easy, knowledgeable no-pressure conversations, where they helped me understand how we could take brand Schwartauer Werke to University Students
Rike Hildebrandt
In an ever evolving world for the young audience, Schwartauer Werke realises the importance of virtual hiring events. Especially in times when students want to get to know prospective employers intimately before they consider working there, Schwartauer Werke decided to work with a CareerFairy Live Stream where they could reach a chosen target audience with the right message.
Einblick in unseren Bereich Produktentwicklung (Insight into our Product Development department)
Here's the link to the recording if you're interested
While we started with a target audience of Masters & Bachelors University students in Germany, CareerFairy's platform optimised to particularly reach 4 specific audiences for Schwarteur Werke: